Rural Ambassador - Jamie Colley, 25

Growing up in rural Queensland, Jaime’s love for agricultural shows began at a young age, competing in equestrian events, show jumping, dressage, sporting, and campdrafting at the Texas Show. She has always embraced the full show experience—entering Pavilion competitions and even stepping into the show ring with a few dogs over the years! 

Her passion for rural events has only grown stronger. Jaime has served as Treasurer of the Texas Show Campdraft Committee, showing her dedication to preserving and promoting rural traditions. In 2024, she was the Toowoomba Royal Show Rural Ambassador and Darling Downs Sub-Chamber runner-up. That same year, she won the QLD Junior Fleece Judging Competition at the Blackall Show and will go on to represent Queensland at the Nationals in 2025!

Contact RASQ Royal Agricultural Society of QueenslandRoyal Toowoomba Showgrounds
Royal Toowoomba Show
We are happy to help and would love to hear from you.

Main Office

Call 07 4634 7400

Location Clive Berghofer Events Centre
Toowoomba Showgrounds
Glenvale Road
Toowoomba QLD 4350

Mail PO Box 18099 Clifford Gardens
Toowoomba Qld 4350

Fax 07 4633 2495

Hours Monday to Friday | 8:30am to 5:00pm

Social Media

RASQ Contact Form

RASQ Contact Form

Booking Proposal. Enquire about a venue for your upcoming event.

When filling out a booking proposal form it is important to give details of any special requests or to include diagrams of special layout needs. It is also important to list the camping, parking and outside display areas you wish to have included for your event. 

* We have a wet weather plan for outdoor venues.

Book early to avoid disappointment.

RASQ Booking Proposal

RASQ Booking Proposal